4 Reasons Churches Are Vulnerable


There was a time not so long ago that the words “Church” and “Security” were seldom, if ever, mentioned in the same sentence. After all, Church was a place we gathered to worship with friends and family, enjoy a sense of community and hear encouraging messages. “Safety and Security” was never part of the equation and understandably so. Church is, and has always been considered, a “safe” place.

In recent years, however, we have all come to realize that many unlikely gathering places have become the target of individuals intent on causing everything from minor disruptions to shootings of innocent visitors. These places have included malls, movie theaters, university campuses, work places and even schools. There is one primary reason these places and the people occupying them were likely targeted: They were vulnerable. Can you think of a more equally vulnerable gathering place than a Church?

Here are a few thoughts why I believe a Church building is vulnerable:

Lack of Prepardness

Few churches and staff members have a viable plan of action in place should a safety or security incident occur. With all that goes in to facilitating a worship service and the overall operation of a church, safety and security is seldom a priority.

Lack of Training

Even if there is a plan in place, on-going staff training is necessary. There’s a reason police, firefighters and our military train, train, and train some more. We will always resort to how we practiced in the event a real-life situation occurs.

Regular Check-Ups

The word “audit” is enough to send shivers down the spine of anybody. But establishing and facilitating a regular check and balances procedure ensures our safety and security procedures are where they need to be. What looked good and safe last month may not be the case this month. 

False Sense of Security

Hiring a local off-duty police officer who’s job it is to direct traffic and roam our hallways during services is a good start, but in many cases it’s not enough. Safety and securiy focus should be on prevention, not reaction. Safety and security is a drum that needs to be constantly beaten to ensure our guests, members and staff are safe, secure and we are prepared should the unlikely occur.

For more information on how I can partner with you to make your church a safe and secure gathering place, contact me at mark.a.santana@gmail.com

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