Suspicious Packages


No business or organization is immune from receiving packages that pose a threat from a person intent on causing harm to people or property. The motivations for these types of crimes are as varied as the people who send them. In the faith community it could be as simple as a disagreement in doctrine, a stance the church takes on controversial matters in the media or a deranged person drawn to religion and wishing to make a statement. Whatever the case may be, it’s important that staff or volunteers responsible for receiving mail and other packages have a solid working knowledge of first identifying a suspicious package and secondly handling a suspicious package.

Here is a short list on how to identify a potential threatening package:

  • Packages with bulges or protrusions
  • Packages wrapped in string
  • Excessive postage
  • Handwritten notes (e.g., CONFIDENTIAL, TO BE OPENED IN THE PRIVACY OF…)
  • Improper spelling or titles of common names
  • Generic or incorrect titles

Questionable or suspicious packages come in all shapes, sizes and even delivery methods. These and other factors should be considered along with regular training of all staff and volunteers serving in this capacity.

For more information on identifying and dealing with suspicious packages and other threats to the safety & security of members, visitors and staff, contact me directly at

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